Professional Furnace Cleaning Service Denver
Denver Air Duct Cleaning provides highly professional, thorough furnace cleaning services to homes and businesses throughout the Greater Denver Area. Over time, hard deposits and flammable materials can build up on within vital mechanical components of your furnace system, impacting its effectiveness - while also running the dangerous risk of fires.

The highly skilled and fully trained furnace cleaning technicians here at Denver Air Duct Cleaning have the unique technical skills to rapidly clean all components of your furnace system - removing dirt, grime, and particulate material that’s both visible to the naked eye, or hidden within internal components of your furnace system. Contact Denver Air Duct Cleaning for instant assistance with all of your Colorado furnace cleaning needs.
Furnace Filter Installation and Replacement Service Denver
Furnace filters block unwanted pollutants and particulates from reaching HVAC systems and furnaces, protecting your air from germs and allergens, and keeping both heating and cooling systems in optimal condition. Denver Air Duct Cleaning installs and replaces furnace filters for all furnace types at homes and businesses throughout the Denver, Colorado area. Denver Air Duct Cleaning’s expert furnace filter installation and replacement helps HVAC systems properly operate, increases the general lifespan of your ductwork, and lowers utility bills throughout the year, and especially during Summer and Winter.
Denver Air Duct Cleaning Furnace Filter Replacement
Denver Air Duct Cleaning’s expert furnace filter technicians will deactivate your HVAC system and remove its service panel. We will then inspect the furnace air filter near the intake / outtake system for dust, removing debris from reusable furnace filters with high powered vacuums, and disposing of dirty filters and replacing it with a fresh furnace filter model of the proper size. We will then run full diagnostics to make sure that your furnace filter system is properly operating.
Types of Furnace Filters
There’s a huge range of furnace filter types that range from super cheap cardboard disposable furnace filters, or permanent metallic furnace filters. Disposable furnace filters are cheaper but need to be replaced every month. Permanent furnace filters save a great deal of money over time, but also require cleaning on a regular basis. Good quality furnace filters come with Minimum Efficiency Report Value (MERV) ratings - which indicates the furnace’s ability to contain particulate matter. The main furnace filter types include:
- 1. Mechanical Furnace Filters capture particulates using mesh, but can’t capture small particles that well. They are ideal for areas in which allergies are not a concern.
- 2. Electrostatic Furnace Filters are composed of polyester strands that are charged with electricity for airflow. They capture pollen and dust, and are permanent - but require cleaning every 3 months.
- 3. Electronic Furnace Filters utilize a grid of electronically charged wires, but capture so much particulate matter that they need weekly cleaning for proper operation.
- 4. HEPA Furnace Filters are ideal for high-sanitation areas including hospitals, doctor’s offices, laboratories, surgical facilities, and healthcare facilities - with nearly 100% efficiency and an ability to exceed MERV requirements. They are increasingly popular today during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Book now for professional furnace cleaning in Denver, Colorado area
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Coil Cleaning Services Denver
Denver Air Duct Cleaning provides professional cleaning services for evaporator coils and condenser coils, a crucial procedure that lowers energy costs and increases heating system lifespan. Without regular cleaning and maintenance, diminished heat transfer and airflow capabilities of your HVAC system will strain and degrade the lifespan of your furnace.

Denver Air Duct Cleaning will arrive directly at your location anywhere in the Denver, Colorado area in order to analyze your existing HVAC system and furnace - isolating and documenting impacted dirt on evaporator coils. This dirt rapidly accumulates when dirty air flows through gaps in filters, often appearing in stripes that match the gaps in airflow. Neglecting existing dirt, grime, or particulate matter accumulation on coils is a mistake, as even when appearing subtle, this contamination can rapidly accumulate and damage your heating and cooling hardware.
Denver Air Duct Cleaning Evaporator Coil and Condenser Coil Cleaning Services include, but are not limited to:
- Evaporator coil cleaning
- Condenser coil cleaning
- Refrigeration rack cleaning
- Walk-in cooler cleaning
- Self-contained unit cleaning
- Air handler unit cleaning

Qualified HVAC professionals perform comprehensive furnace cleaning, including cleaning the combustion chamber, replacing oil filters for oil-powered furnaces, adjusting and testing burners, and thoroughly cleaning the blower assembly.
During the cleaning process, they also inspect the furnace for any issues and alert you to potential problems.
Regular maintenance by HVAC professionals ensures optimal furnace performance, efficiency, and safety.
Furnace Cleaning FAQ
- Why is furnace cleaning so important for my household maintenance?
- Furnace cleaning is essential to make sure that your heating system is working efficiently and safely. By cleaning out dust and debris from your furnace system, you can prevent potential issues that can cause potential respiratory issues, fire hazards, or simply the monetary costs associated with the need for equipment repair and / or replacement.
- How regularly should I get my furnace cleaned?
- We recommend that you get your furnace cleaned at least once a year. This helps prevent the accumulation of dirt and other clogging particulate matter, making your furnace system much safer and generally increasing its lifespan.
- Do dirty furnaces have an impact on indoor air quality?
- Dirty furnaces can help circulate pollutants like dust and allergens throughout your home. By cleaning your furnace you can generally improve your indoor air quality.
- What impact does blower assembly have on furnace cleaning?
- Blower assembly is an essential part of your furnace operation. During our professional Denver furnace cleaning service, the blower assembly of your furnace will be fully inspected, cleaned, and lubricated to make sure that your system provides proper airflow with reduced strain on mechanical components.
- How can furnace cleaning increase my energy savings?
- Furnaces, after they are cleaned, operate with far more efficiency, generally lowering energy consumption and thus, your utility bills.
- Does your team provide heat exchanger inspection during your furnace cleaning service?
- Yes, our technicians will inspect your furnace heat exchanger for any types of crack or damage. This helps to verify that your furnace operates safely, without the risk for deadly carbon monoxide leaks.
- Are there specific types of air filters that are ideal for clean furnace operation?
- Yes, it's essential to use high quality air filters to ensure a clean and well-working furnace. We recommend regularly replacing replaceable filters, or cleaning reusable filters in order to stop dust from building up.
- Does furnace cleaning generally improve the lifespan of my heating system?
- Yes, by regularly cleaning your furnace you can generally reduce the strain on its mechanical components, increasing its lifespan.
- Can furnace cleaning make my heating system run more quietly?
- Yes! Clean mechanical components of furnaces generally operate much more quietly. Our furnace cleaning service will include the lubrication of moving parts, which will generally reduce friction, making your heating system much more quiet.