Combatting Common Indoor Pollutants

Here’s a guide to analyzing and stopping common indoor pollutants and contaminants, as prepared by the professional Denver air duct cleaning and Denver air duct sanitizing team here at Air Improvement Denver. 


Dust is constantly present inside your home. It is a particulate mixture of small particles like pollen, textile fibers, debris, and even dead skin cells. Even though dust is ubiquitous, it can make respiratory conditions like allergies or asthma worse. Dust mites are microscopic creatures that like to eat dust and Thrive and Dusty environments, which in turn can drastically worsen respiratory issues. It’s essential to regularly dust and vacuum your property, as well as utilizing HEPA air filters in your vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, and even in ductwork to lower dust levels in your property.


Mold spores are a type of common indoor pollutant  that rides inside human and damp environments like basements, bathrooms, and addicts. Mold exposure can cause respiratory disease and Trigger allergic reactions. It is essential to regularly inspect areas that are susceptible to mold in order to prevent mold infestations. One way to better prevent mold is to ensure that all areas of your home are periodically ventilated with fresh air, that moisture levels are not extreme, and that any water leaks or water damage is addressed and solved as soon as possible.

Pet dander

 When pets shed dander, for, and saliva, the air quality in your home can degrade. Pet gender is a common allergen that can make respiratory issues worse, and can be easily circulated throughout your home when your age fact system is turned on. in order to minimize the pollutants that your pets shed, regularly groom your pets, bathe them as much as possible, and designate special pet-free zones inside your home like bedrooms. We additionally recommend installing HEPA  filters in your HVAC system that can trap pet dander particles and prevent them from traveling throughout your home. If you have pets, it’s essential that your HVAC filters are changed at least once a month.

 Volatile organic compounds

 Volatile organic compounds or VOCs  range of chemicals that are emitted as a gas form from different household products including cleaning supplies, building materials, furniture, paints, and much more. If you have prolonged exposure to VOCs,  you can experience a wide range of health problems like dizziness, respiratory problems or even headaches. We recommend exclusively using products that have low levels of volatile organic compounds in order to improve your health indoors. it is essential that your property is properly ventilated  in order to lower VOC emissions.  You can also lower VOCs  with the incorporation of specific indoor plants like peace lilies or spider plants.


 The best way that you can improve your indoor air quality is by following these steps:

  •  Get your air ducts professionally cleaned at least once a year, and more often if you have pets or smoking inside the house
  •  Regularly dust and vacuum all surfaces inside your home
  •  Regularly open up your windows for improved ventilation
  •  Utilize HEPA filters
  •  Utilize air purifiers or either humidifiers or dehumidifiers according to your needs
  • Exclusively use low-VOC products