Indoor Allergens and Air Ducts

In this blog entry, the expert Denver air duct cleaning team here at Air Improvement Denver will detail how you can best combat indoor allergens in advance of the allergy-prone spring season and your yearly spring cleaning.

Reduce cat and dog dander

Dander easily clings to walls, clothing, furniture, and all household surfaces – including the walls of your HVAC system. Pet dander can easily enter your home air ducts and then get circulated throughout your home. You should regularly clean furniture, carpets, and window coverings if you have any pets in your home. We recommend steam cleaning to remove dust and dander from the interior of carpets. We also recommend decluttering so there are less surfaces for dander to hide inside. Regularly bathe your dog or cat to remove dander

Mold and mildew prevention

To prevent and combat mold and mildew, make sure that your house is well ventilated with fresh air, Utilize mold Inhibitors in your paint, and regularly clean your kitchen and bathroom with mold eliminating products. We also recommend using a combination of air conditioning and air purifiers and dehumidifiers to remove mold, bacteria, and viruses that love warm and moist environments.

Air filtration

Make sure to change your air filter at least every month. Air filters can very effectively trap pollutants like pet dander, tobacco, smoke, dust, mites, and polluting particulate matter. Air filters work by moving air through a very fine mesh the traps particulates. We recommend using HEPA filters, even though they cost much more. They can catch even the smallest size of dust, dander, and other particulate matter.

Air duct cleaning

Make sure to have your air ducts professionally cleaned on a regular basis. Contaminants that are pulled into your homes. Air duct systems are recirculating throughout your property between 5 to 7 times a day on average. This can contribute to health problems, especially for people who suffer respiratory conditions like asthma, or allergies. Indoor air pollutants can irritate your throats, noses, and die, as well as causing other symptoms like dizziness, headaches, and fatigue. By regularly cleaning your air ducts, and cleaning them more often if your household has smoker, pets inside it, or recent construction, you can drastically improve your indoor air quality