Common Causes of HVAC Low Air Flow

Check out this list of the most common causes of impacted low HVAC air flow as prepared by the expert Denver HVAC cleaning service and Denver air duct cleaning service team here at Air Improvement Denver.

Blocked Air Vents

Ensure that all air vents and registers are fully open, and aren’t being blocked by furniture or any other kind of equipment. This issue often happens in offices and commercial property. Focus on floor vents that can easily get obscured by carpets or rugs.


Blocked Condensing Units

Grass, branches, vegetation, or bushes that grow close to outdoor AC units can grow too robust or be infested with pests or insects that can damage AC systems, block airflow, or causing the system to generally malfunction or break down. Clean the area around your cooling system on a regular basis.


Duct Leaks and Blockage

You can consider air ducts to basically be the airways of any HVAC system. They allow cooled or heated air to move through and into the living areas of your property. Low levels of airflow is likely caused by dust, dirt, and other debris buildup. If this is the issue, reach out to your local air duct cleaning service team in order to eliminate these blockages and obstructions.


Dirty Air Filters

Filters in air ducts work to prevent dust from entering your property, but when these filters get dusty themselves, they will need to be cleaned or replaced. Dust that accumulates in filters will stop airflow from moving through the system and into your property. Limited airflow will cause your HVAC unit to work harder to achieve the same temperature which can cause overheating or breakdowns.


Dirty Evaporator Coils

Low airflow can be caused by dirty or clogged evaporator coils. Evaporator coils are located above the furnace blower, and when operating properly, evaporator coils allow for free airflow to move through it. Evaporator coils can get dirty over time, with dirt, grime, or particulate matter which clogs it, causing air to have trouble moving through it, and consequentially affecting the heated air’s ability to reach your home and increase the ambient temperature.


Sometimes thermostat issues cause HVAC problems. The thermostat issue might be as simple as a low battery that needs to be changed. If you try this and the problem persists, you might need a system upgrade.


Outdated or Oversized HVAC Units

HVAC units last usually around 15 years depending on usage frequency. Older HVAC units need to be replaced as they sometimes don’t provide solid airflow. Oversized HVAC units that don’t match the size of the property or ducts can actually cause too much airflow which can damage ductwork, or damage HVAC sensors and cause them to turn on and off over and over again.


Low Refrigerant Levels

Cooling systems that have leaking refrigerant are other causes of low airflow or diminished air cooling. Leaks in HVAC units cause general system performance to decline. Have an HVAC inspection team check refrigerant levels and see if they can fix the leak.


Slow Blower Fans

Blower fans in HVAC units help to move heated or cooled air from the unit through the duct into other living spaces in your home. Dust and dirt can rapidly accumulate in the fan, slowing it down, and lowering airflow. If you can reach the blower fan, try cleaning it yourself, and if you can’t, contact a professional HVAC unit cleaning team for expert HVAC unit cleaning service.