Essential Steps to Follow Before Turning Your Furnace On for the Season

Here’s a guide to the essential steps to follow before turning your furnace on for the season, as prepared by the professional Denver air duct cleaning and Denver ductwork system sanitization team here at Air Improvement Denver.

Check Air Filters

Make sure to check your air filters. Ensure that all of your air filters are free of debris. Clean reusable air filters to improve air quality in your home and make sure to regularly replace temporary air filters

Replace Air Filters When Necessary

We recommend that you change replaceable air filters every 2-3 months. You might need to change filters more often if your unit is used often, if someone in your property has a medical or respiratory condition, or if you have pets present.

Thermostat Testing

Test your thermostat to make sure your heating system is properly working. Switch your thermostat from cooling to heating, and set the temperature higher than the current room temperature. If the heat doesn’t activate, have your system inspected.

Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

This is CRUCIAL. Make sure to test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors before activating the furnace. Follow all manufacturer directions and replace the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Cleaning Furnace Areas

Try to clean the area around your furnace to ensure it’s free from all trash or other objects that can be a fire hazard. Clean all debris from vents.

Leak Inspection

Check your home from leaks and have any you find repaired. This can ensure that warm air stays inside your home and that any ambiently heated temperature doesn’t leak outside.

Air Duct Cleaning

Make sure that all components of your air ducts are cleaned and free from dirt or debris that can cause health issues or impact system efficiency. 

Outdoor Vent Inspection

Make sure to inspect both intake and exhaust vents to make sure that they are free from debris. Clean these air vents to make sure that your HVAC system is optimally functioning – which can also help keep your energy bills low.