How can air duct cleaning lower my energy bills?

Here’s a guide to how air duct cleaning can drastically reduce your energy bills, as prepared by the professional Denver air duct cleaning service team here at Air Duct Cleaning Denver.

Improving HVAC Performance

When dirt and dust accumulate in ductwork, it causes airflow restrictions that make your entire HVAC system work harder than it should – stressing it out, and causing rapid wear on its delicate components. If this isn’t remedied, this can cause entire HVAC system breakdowns, increase your energy bills (at least), and result in higher repair costs. By regularly cleaning your ductwork, you can avoid these issues and increase the general performance of your HVAC system,


Preventing HVAC Efficiency Degradation

When dust accumulates on parts of your hVAC system like its evaporator coils, air ducts can actually act more like insulation rather than ductwork, preventing heat transfer. This amounts to a serious degradation of the HVAC system efficiency. Regularly cleaning our HVAC ensures that your HVAC system will continually operate correctly and prevent it from losing efficiency.


Improving Air Quality

Particulates and pollutants like bacteria, pet dander, mold spores, and allergens – when sent throughout your home by the air duct that they inhabit – can cause a range of respiratory issues like allergies or asthma. By regularly having your air ducts cleaned you can lower the risk of experiencing these issues due to home air quality – generally (and drastically) reducing their presence inside the air in your property.


Saving Money Over Time

Having your air ducts cleaned – while a service with a (very reasonable and affordable) price – actually saves you a great deal of money in the long run. By ensuring your HVAC system continues to operate at peak efficiency, you can drastically reduce the chances that it will break down (which would result in more expensive repairs or replacement service), and generally extend the lifespan of all the components in your HVAC system. In the big picture, this saves you a great deal of money you might otherwise spend on more regular and more extensive HVAC system or HVAC parts repair and replacement services. It’s not an exaggeration to depict professional HVAC system cleaning as an investment.