Signs of Furnace Problems

In this blog entry, the Denver furnace filter cleaning and Denver air duct cleaning team here at Air Improvement Denver will detail the top signs that your furnace is experiencing serious issues.

Poor Heating

This is usually the first sign that leads people to contact a professional for furnace assistance. If your heating system isn’t providing enough heat, reach out to a professional. Do the same if your heating is providing uneven or imbalanced heating throughout your home.


Uneven Cycling

If your heater is running in very short cycles, strangely long cycles, or turning on and off rapidly it could be indicative of a furnace issue.



If your heater is making incredibly loud noises or strange new noises unrelated to the usual noises it makes, reach out to a professional for assistance.



If your heating system is causing a strange scent or unpleasant odor to waft through your home, contact a professional for assistance. This can be due to issues within your air duct system or potential mechanical issues within your furnace.


Increased Heating Bills

Heating bills should stay somewhat reasonable, even in Winter. If they are out of control, have your furnace inspected for potential necessary repairs or affordable money-saving tweaks.



Extreme amounts of dust can indicate an issue with your indoor air quality, ductwork, or furnace. It may even be a sign of a serious mechanical issue.