How Often Should Air Ducts Be Cleaned?

A common question that many of our clients ask is “How often should I have my air ducts cleaned?” In this blog entry, the professional Denver air duct cleaning service experts here at Air Improvement Denver will detail how often it’s important to have air ducts cleaned.

When exactly should you clean your air ducts?

Have your air duct cleaned when you feel that the HVAC system isn’t properly working, when you notice efficiency drops, if you smell weird odors, or if you think there’s an obstruction in your air flow. This can usually range between 2-4 years between cleaning for residential air ducts, and 1 year for commercial air ducts. 

The National AIr Duct Cleaners Association (the NADCA) says there’s a few essential reasons for cleaning your air ducts that can actually necessitate cleaning more often. It’s essential to clean air ducts if you’re moving into a new home, as you don’t know how the previous owners treated their air ducts. You want to make sure that your HVAC system and air ducts are clean and free from contaminants and germs before moving in.

Some other reasons to clean your air ducts as stated by the NADCA include:

  • Pets – Clean your air ducts often if you have any pets in your home which can spread hair, fur, or dander.
  • Allergies or Asthma– If anyone in your home has asthma or allergies we recommend cleaning your air ducts regularly to lower risk factors that can cause or worsen respiratory diseases
  • Fire or Water Damage– If your home has gone through any serious damage, especially that which requires restoration or remediation, make sure to clean your air ducts. 
  • Renovations– If you had any area of your home renovated or rebuilt, make sure to clean your air ducts to remove all the generated debris or dust from your home.
  • Smoking– If anybody has ever smoked inside your house, make sure to air out the room and consider getting your air ducts cleaned

Why is it important to hire the right air duct cleaning company?

When you hire a truly qualified air duct cleaning company to clean your ductwork, you will receive a much higher degree of benefit. You will receive truly quality and honest service, a service team that has tons of industry knowledge and professionalism, and a team on-call to assist you with any need, question, or issue that pops up regarding your home or business air ducts.