Improving Indoor Air Quality in the Winter

In this blog entry,  the Denver air duct cleaning and Denver dryer vent cleaning experts here at Air Improvement Denver will detail the best ways to improve indoor air quality in the Winter.

Dry Indoor Air

We recommend using venting, HVAC systems, and heating to introduce fresh outside air in the Winter. Moderate indoor humidity levels are proven to minimize the ability of viruses to spread. We recommend using portable ultrasonic humidifiers to keep homes humid in Winter months to protect against common viruses like the Flu. We also recommend using a vented exhaust fan and open windows during the Winter to prevent interior pollutants that can cause allergies and asthma.


Indoor Pollutant Reduction

Stop using toxic or strong smelling cleaners. Try avoiding wood stoves and smoking, both of which have carcinogenic substances. Use gas fueled fireplaces instead of wood burning fireplaces. We recommend getting rid of garbage as soon as possible, especially when they contain rotten or decaying food that causes mold.


Air Ducts and Filters

Inspect air ducts on a frequent basis, and change air filters regularly, at least every 3 months. This is one of the best ways to prevent air problems and heating problems, and also helps to lower your monthly power bill. Poor maintenance allows rapid dust build up in your filtration systems, making furnaces work twice as hard, and eventually sustain damage.


Regular Cleaning

Regularly clean the most commonly used areas of your property. Use a wet cloth (while wearing an air filtering mask) to remove dust from surfaces. Regularly vacuum to remove dust mites, mold, and pollen. Make sure to only use a vacuum with a filter. We recommend only using natural cleaning products.


Air Purifiers

We recommend installing air purification technology in your air ducts. These can help capture, remove, and neutralize microscopic allergens or germs from the air. They can catch floating dust and dust mites, remove artificial or chemical smells from the air, and destroy volatile organic compounds like formaldehyde.


Additional Air Purification Tips

Avoid smoking and vaping. Make sure to use doormats to wipe down shoes before entering your property. Hang a bunch of indoor hanging plants that can filter and purify indoor air. You can additionally use essential oils placed in a diffuser to clean the air of mold, bacteria, viruses, and pathogens – just make sure to research to determine the best essential oil that can accomplish this and also smell good to you.