Winter HVAC System Tips

As the Colorado Winter starts, many of our fellow Denver residents are cranking up the heating in their homes and businesses. Heating problems can cause serious issues, especially when they occur in the cold months of Winter. In this blog entry, the Denver air duct cleaning and Denver furnace cleaning experts here at Air Improvement Denver will detail the best ways to make sure that your heating system keeps you and your family (or employees) warm and comfortable during the cold Denver Winter.

Air Vent Cleaning

When you’re vacuuming your home, make sure to clean your air vents and registers in order to stop your vents from getting clogged up with dirt or dust, which can cause your furnace to work much harder than it has to, and prevents warmed air from entering your living areas. Cleaning air vents also improves interior air quality and prevents dust, mold, allergens, and pathogens from moving through the air in your home.


Replacing and Cleaning Air Filters

If you have a dirty air filter that’s reusable, it needs to be cleaned, and if it’s not reusable, it needs to be replaced with a brand new air filter. Replaceable air filters usually last ust a month if your HVAC system is continuously working. Dirty air filters cause contaminants to move through your air and blocked heated up air from entering your living spaces. HVAC system fans will be strained as they work harder to achieve the same results, causing your furnace to use more fuel.


Thermostat Adjustment

Thermostats need to be set to the proper temperature and schedule. Older thermostats should be replaced with newer models. Modern digital / smart thermostats make it much simpler to keep your home at the proper temperature. Also make sure that your thermostat batteries are fresh and operational.


Home Insulation

Insulation is essential to home heating and cooling.c heck for aps around doors and windows, and around and under the eaves of your property. Make sure there’s enough insulation installed in your attic to stop heat loss. The more heat you lose through air gaps and bad attic insulation, the harder your heating system will have to strain to achieve the same results, and the shorter your HVAC system will last before it needs repairs or even replacement.


Outdoor AC Unit Protection

Outdoor AC units should be protected from ice or snow with a cover. This is essential in Denver.


Professional Assistance

We recommend getting your Denver HVAC system professionally inspected. Only through periodic (or, ideally, regular) HVAC system maintenance and inspection can you ensure that your HVAC system stays in good shape. By properly maintaining your HVAC system you can catch potential issues before they cause trouble, ensuring that your HVAC system works for years to come. Contact Air Improvement Denver today for expert assistance with all of your HVAC system inspection needs.